6 téléchargements
Télécharger des logiciels plus anciens - ShowNET
ShowNET Firmware 2021010602
This is the Firmware for ShowNET laser main boards as well as external ShowNET DACs dated 06.01.2021, Version number 2021010602
This is the Firmware for ShowNET laser main boards as well as external ShowNET DACs dated 06.01.2021, Version number 2021010602
de 2021 jusqu'à 2022

ShowNET Firmware 2020022302
Older firmware version for the ShowNET Laser mainboard. Not recommended any more for production use, please use the latest firmware for all features and latest functionality.
Older firmware version for the ShowNET Laser mainboard. Not recommended any more for production use, please use the latest firmware for all features and latest functionality.
de 2020 jusqu'à 2020

ShowNET Admin Tool 1.38
de 2020 jusqu'à 2020

ShowNET Firmware 2019032502
Older version of the ShowNET firmware. Not recommended for production use any more. Please use the latest Firmware version.
Older version of the ShowNET firmware. Not recommended for production use any more. Please use the latest Firmware version.
de 2019 jusqu'à 2019

ShowNET Admin Tool 1.33
de 2019 jusqu'à 2020

ShowNET Firmware 2015080802
Outdated Firmware for the ShowNET laser mainboard. Do not use for production. Always use the latest firmware!
Outdated Firmware for the ShowNET laser mainboard. Do not use for production. Always use the latest firmware!
de 2015 jusqu'à 2018